My name is David Webber and for 38 years I had a great career. In fact I loved what I did.....and deep down inside would love to go back to that career. But in May of 2011 I got sick. I didn't do anything to get that way either.
According to the doctors, I got a bacterial infection some how and they don't exactly know what the infection was.....where it came from....or how on earth I got it. In fact they didn't know how to fight it either. So they tried every type of antibiotics that you could order to fight it off.
So I spent a month and a half in the hospital, ended up having two surgeries....and then just before they were getting ready to release me.....I ended up going into septic shock. And that left me on life support and in a coma for 8 days. much fun huh? Well that wasn't the worst part of it. Next I had to face being disabled for 13 months. I had to learn how to walk again and I had some very persistent dizziness problems that really messed up my sense of balance.
Oh and of course.....I couldn't work or get back to my business. And then when I could finally go back to one would hire me. I have felt at times that the definition of impossible......could have a picture of me trying to find a job after this unexpected health event to describe what impossible means. Well...I don't give up easily so I keep trying and thinking of other ways to make money.
I met a woman through an introduction by her sister and this womans husband went through a long period of health problems. He was a baker and had a bakery which he lost when he got sick. BUT his wife had a Multi Level Marketing business and she got a check every month while she was with her husband as he went through his illness. Every month....month after month...she got paid.
And when she went back to working her was much bigger than when she was working the business herself.
Well that made me think long and hard about different ways of earning an income. I have always thought that the way rock stars got paid, year after year for their records would be cool.....but I can't sing. Authors who write great novels can keep getting paid year after year as well.....but I haven't thought of anything that I could write about for a novel. And I don't think I have that much patience anyway.
But when I bought some sales lead software for my try and revive it.....I was blown away with the success of the guy that I bought it from. So we have spoken here and there and shared a lot of emails. But I liked how he was using blogs to make money. Now I have built websites before....and I was actually right there at success with one of my websites.......when I got sick.
And because I had no income coming in....I lost the website. But I dominated the pages that I was after and I was just getting ready to add monetization methods to the site to make money. I got that close! Ha, ha, ha.....and then I lost it.
So I started building blogs. And I messed up on some of them for sure.....but then again I learned a lot. Then one day I was building the blog for the sales lead software and my millionaire friend emailed me and asked me to look at a pre made blog.
Well why would I do that? I already have free blogs....why would I pay for one?
Well he emailed me again and I just sort of blew him off. I was busy you know. Then one day he started bugging me. He would email me and ask.....did you check out that stuff I emailed you? Did you look at it yet?
Finally I emailed him back but I included a link to my site that I was building. I figured that he would leave me alone after he saw my site.
Well he emailed me back and he said what you need is to be able to back link to an authority blog....which is what this pre made blog is.....and if you bought it.....your other sites would soar!!!!!
Now if you are new to blogging that probably doesn't mean much to you......but I knew exactly what he was talking about. And I couldn't believe why I didn't think of that. So the next day I had gotten up early because I couldn't sleep and I was looking over the pre made site and how they get paid and finally I just did it. I whipped out my credit card and bought the system.
And then I emailed my friend and told him. About 5 minutes later he emailed me back.....and he gave me a bunch of training materials and videos to boot.
At first I thought it was so funny that he was still awake at 4 AM. He is on EST the both of us are sicko's apparently and don't sleep.
I have learned so much from him and I am not totally new to this. I have built websites before and I have gotten to the top rankings for quite a few pages.
But watching some of the stuff he teaches just blows my mind. And had I known what was in that training that he gave me.....heck I would have bought that pre made blog just to get my hands on the training.
So what I have learned since I got sick.....has just been changing my life. Day by day I learn more...and more...and more. And every day I see more and more ways of making money online. And I don't mean just money.....I mean money that keeps coming in. Automated money.
And this blog......well I wasn't sitting there thinking that I should make a new blog called a Webber Biz. I learned something from my friend and I was doing my home work for another blog and spotted something. I researched it and saw money just sitting I acted. I took action.
And now I am done. I will come back here and there and post a blog post here and there to keep this site active.....but basically I am done. About 5 hours of work.....and now it goes into auto pilot mode!
Now if you want to be a blogger.....and you want to make automated income.....well you need to take action.
Of course you need to do some reading and your due diligence. But at some point you have to take action!
And then you can start to re-create your career like I am. You can start to earn money matter where you are in the world. You could travel....move to a different country....or maybe just a new city. But the income will keep coming to you. Day after day....year after year.
And if you join me and my friend in our team with the pre made blogging system.......well then I could email you the link to get his training. And that is worth thousands of dollars all by itself.
So come on and join us!!!