A Webber Biz

A Webber Biz

Hi........my name is David Webber.....and a Webber Biz are certain kinds of businesses that are just my cup of tea.  And most likely as you read this blog, you will find that what I like in a business....you would probably like as well.

You see, I love to make as much money as I can, with the least amount of work.  Ha, ha, ha......see I got your attention already!  AND I like to keep getting paid for my work.....for a long time after I performed the work.  And when you find that kind of a business.....that's a Webber Biz!!!!

Now you might be very skeptical because we are all trained to punch a clock or work on salary.  So if you punch a clock....you only get paid if you punch in....do your work for the day....and then punch out.  If you don't work.....you don't get paid!

And then of course if you climb the corporate ladder you end up on salary.  That is awesome isn't it?  You get paid more!  Oh but wait.....now you end up working 50 or 60 hours a week.  Oh yeah and that darn cell phone keeps going off even when you are with your family or at dinner.

And that is NOT a Webber Biz by the way!

Well this is all fine and good.....and it's what we all do when we have a typical job.  The problem for most of us today is that it isn't quite working out as we expected.  And a lot of folks are now unemployed or maybe under employed.

And the sad thing is for a lot of middle aged folks, like me......who possess all sorts of experience and skill sets.....well they may never work in their field again.

Well that's what some of the experts are saying anyway.

A Webber Biz is what I needed!

For me.....I had to recreate my career out of necessity.  See my business was slowing down due to the economy.  And that by itself was driving me crazy.  You see I am an Aviation Consultant.  I worked in Corporate, Private and VIP Aviation in a very niche market......because I do those fancy interiors on these types of airplanes.  And the funny thing is.....I always had people popping up and wanting me to do some sort of work or project for them.

Then one day, the brains in congress slammed the executives from the automotive industry for flying on corporate jets.  These folks in congress thought that these jets are strictly a luxury  when in fact when you work in a global economy.....flying all over the globe generating sales....they are a very efficient tool.  They are like time machines.

But what ever.....the government seems to be in a divide and conquer mode so.....they bashed the industry.  And my business started to tank....that month!  Oh and the consulting business.....yeah not a Webber Biz either!

But then it got worse.  I got sick!  I won the unlucky lottery and won a trip to Hotel California.  Well actually it was the hospital but it certainly felt like Hotel California.  I say that because when I checked in I wasn't all that bad.  But there were times I did not think that I was ever going to check out.  Not alive anyway.

So I ended up being in the hospital for a month and a half....had two surgeries....went into septic shock and on life support and in a coma for 8 days.  So much fun!

Oh yeah.....and I was being fed with an IV from May until late September.....with no food or drink!  What a diet!  And it took me about 12 or 13 months of recuperation time before I felt that I could go back to work again.

Anyway at the time I had one client that I was working with on a project for one of his clients airplanes.  But plain and simple he just couldn't wait for me to recuperate.....so he went on his way to finish up the project without me.  And that was no surprise....I would have done the same thing if it was the other way around.

But during the recuperation time as I lay there in my bed in the family room....staring out the window....I realized I needed to come up with a way to earn a living.  So I started to think of a Webber Biz type of business.

A Webber Biz list of features

Well a Webber Biz had to have some features that would prevent me from spiraling down the toilet financially.....ever again!  It had to be easy to do physically.....and writing would be best.

It had to pay well......of course.....right?  And I wanted a rock star kind of income.  I wanted to work today....and keep getting paid royalties for my efforts.....like a rock star.  And I know you are starting to think that I am nuts......but why not think this way?  How do you think folks get wealthy?  They find ways of getting paid over and over again for their efforts.....like rock stars.

So why not think this way?

Now as I started to think of what a Webber Biz would look like.....I started to get more and more idea's.

I also wanted to sell products.....but I didn't really want to sell anything...LOL.  I just wanted to make money from products being sold.  Oh and I didn't want to make the products.....I just wanted to make profits.  And I wanted the sales to be sort of automatic.....and just keep on selling.

A Webber Biz should get bigger and bigger each month....and each year.  So the income should actually get bigger and bigger....at a pace faster than inflation.

Oh and I want other folks to do the same thing that I am doing.....because I know that they want what I want.  So what ever I do must be duplicate able.  And it would be cool if I could get paid for helping people get what I want....because they want it too.....but I don't want them to pay for it.  I want them to make more and more money.....and I just get a sort of royalty some how from their success.

And a Webber Biz has to be able to sustain itself......where a person could actually retire someday from their efforts.  I mean.....isn't that what the Golden Years are supposed to be for?

So let's make a list:

A Webber Biz

  1. Physically Easy to do
  2. Writing would be the best
  3. Pays well....like a rock star
  4. Keeps paying....like royalties
  5. Be able to sell products....without selling
  6. But don't have to make products or touch them in anyway
  7. Income needs to grow and get bigger and bigger
  8. Be duplicate able.....for any average person
  9. Get paid for helping others get what they want....with out them actually paying me
  10. Sustainable residual income......doesn't fizzle out!
Well that my friend is a Webber Biz!  That's what I am talking about!

My Favorite business is a Webber Biz.....and you may like this!

Now one of the businesses that I found.....and I really love is blogging.  And with blogging, I can have all of the things that I listed above in the "A Webber Biz" list.

Most people hear or read the word blogger.....and they think...hey that would be cool.  I would love to do that too.  BUT they also immediately think of all the techno babble stuff that goes with it,  You know....you sort of have to be a nerd in order to understand it.

Well I will admit there are things to learn....but there is a way for you to learn over time.....but get going right away if you wanted too.  Most bloggers have more than one blog.  In fact the pro's.....have quite a few.  I happen to have 14 as of right now as I write this and I am sure that I will have many more in the future.

You see when you learn how easy it is to be a blogger....and you learn a few tricks.....you will create blogs for a very specific reason....and to reach a very specific group of people.

Now take this blog for example.  Why in the world would I call my blog A Webber Biz?   Certainly I could come up with a better name than that right?

Well stop and think about this for a minute.  Were you looking for me?  Were you looking for this blog?

Did you sit down and Google.....A Webber Biz?  Ha, ha, ha.....of course you didn't.

BUT you found me!  And that's the point.  Pro bloggers know things that the majority of bloggers do not know.

I have a friend who is basically my mentor.  He is a millionaire also.   He makes more in a month then you could even dream of making in a year.  Anyway he has quite a few blogs and he showed me one.....that he just whipped up for a very specific reason.  He made the blog and basically it just runs on autopilot and once in a while he will add a post here and there.

Well he makes $200,000.00 each year off that one little blog.  LOL.....that got your attention didn't it?

Yeah and that is not by any stretch of the imagination....one of his big money making blogs.  He just saw what I guess could be described as an anomaly.....and then he jumped in and took advantage of it.

You see there are things on the internet.....millions of them.....that the crowds miss.  Huge opportunities to get lots of visitors....and probably 97% of the bloggers and website creators totally miss.

But he taught me what to look for.  And just that one little lesson could be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.  Heck even millions of dollars.  And you can do it over and over and over again.

Now it may seem silly.....but, A Webber Biz blog uses that one little lesson my friend taught me.  Sounds stupid I know....you can't believe it.

But then again......you are reading this right now!

Now what if I could teach you the same lessons that he taught me.  Would that be of some value to you?  Better yet.....if you were on my team......I could give you the training that he gave me.

But I am only allowed to give it to team members who want to learn how to be a blogger.......and for those people who actually join both of us with what I call my Money Blog.

Now it is really not called a Money Blog.....but I call it that because quite frankly....I can make quite a bit of money with it.  And I joined my friend on his team.....and he makes several hundred thousand dollars PER MONTH by using this Money Blog.

How A Webber Biz Blog Can Help You

If you agree with me on my thoughts of what a business should be....or what I call a Webber Biz......well maybe what we have found will help you too.

So here are a few things that may help you out.

First thing is that I have another blog that is devoted to helping people that want to be a blogger....to become a blogger.  And that site is called Be a Blogger.Biz and there is a lot of information for you on that site.

Now it is fine to want to be a blogger.....but as in anything in life, there is always a learning curve.  Now it is not rocket science, but you have to start somewhere.  AND it is always so much better when you have someone teaching you or have someone who is your mentor.

So that would be cool....but wouldn't it be even better if you had a blog that was already to go?  If you could just log in and start blogging....and start making money right away....wouldn't that be cool?  Duh....yeah it would.

Well my millionaire friend had showed me this company....not because I needed a site already to go....but because it is an authority blog.  What is that?

An authority blog is a blog that is very powerful and well established and something that gets awesome traffic. Just think of Facebook when they first started....vs today.  Today they are an authority site.....because they get huge traffic.

Well my friend showed me that by being part of that blog, I could back link or send traffic from that blog....to my new blogs.  Basically it is like having a supercharged shortcut....ANYTIME I need it.  And that is why I bought that blogging system.

But it is made for people who are just starting out....and it is already pre made.  Ready to go!  And it fits into that type of business that I like to call a Webber Biz.

So if you wanted to be a blogger....AND you wanted to make money from it.....well you need to check this out.

You can click on the link to visit what I like to call My Money Blog .

Now there are some other businesses that fit a Webber Biz type of business and I will put all of them on our Useful Links page so you can have all of those links.....including the one's that I mentioned above......all in one easy to find place.

So check out the links above or visit the Useful Links page.

Are You Ready to have A Webber Biz Type of Business?

Well I hope that you feel just like me when I think of a Webber Biz type of business.  It can be awesome to start your own online business and be a blogger.

Now I use a lot of free blogs, just like this one.  But then again there are all sorts of ways to start your own business.

What I am doing is exactly what my mentor has taught me....and I am so fortunate to have his guidance as I build my business.  I mean think about it.....do you want to be successful?  Well would you copy a lemonade stand owner?  Duh.....no!

So I am sure that you would rather learn how to be a blogger by following people who are successful.  Well if you join me on the Money Blog team.....you also get my millionaire friend's training materials and videos!!!

THAT is worth thousands of dollars all by itself.

Well I hope that you decide to join us!  Do something for yourself!  Start something that will give you a business of your own.  Be a blogger!  Get a Webber Biz type of business....and join us.

Click the links above or visit our Useful Links page where all of our suggestions will be located in one easy to find place.

Because what you will learn will help you make more money.....from here on out.  AND I will even show you why I made this blog.....this weird A Webber Biz blog site!!!!

I hope to see you soon and I wish you the very best with your business ventures!!!